Friday, January 1, 2016

Jan 1

So far so good!  We made pretzels for dinner tonight and then settled down in the piano room for scripture study.  We decided to start at the very beginning and skip chapter headings.  Here are some of the things we talked about.

1 Nephi 


-What does it mean that he saw many afflictions?  What is affliction (hardships, trials) Do we see that in our world today? (Divorce, children dying, evil, sadness)
-What does it mean to be favored? Kara said it means God chose him to do what He needed him to do.
-Why does someone who was chosen experience affliction?  We talked about how some of the most faithful people we know have gone through the most difficult experiences.
-Why does he mention his parents?


-What language did he write in?


-Why is he telling us this?  Kara said he's basically saying that this is his autobiography. He is making sure we know that he wrote this and everything he wrote is true.


-What would happen if the people didn't repent?
-What does it mean to repent? Jared said pray.  We talked about righting the wrong and not sinning again.
-Lehi lived his whole life in Jerusalem.  We discussed how this probably made it that much harder for when he had to flee with his family.  It was the only place they ever knew.  We talked about how it was hard to move from Arizona and we had only lived there for 3 years.  I think it took much faith on Lehi's part to leave his home.


-Where was Lehi going? Jeremy said that he felt like either Lehi was one of the prophets in the previous verse who was out prophesying or else he was out listening to one of the other prophets prophesying when he began to pray for his people.

-What does it mean to pray with all your heart?  We discussed really thinking about what we are saying.  Not saying the same thing every time. Jared mentioned repenting.

And we ended the night with warm brownies topped with ice cream...oh that every night could be such a feast!!

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